Sunday, September 17, 2006

Schoenborn Palace, Vienna

There were some things I liked about this place, but NOT the hordes of tour groups I had to fight my way through to make it through the 40-plus rooms of this place. The outside was much cooler. I bought the E-ticket, so I could pretty much check out everything for only a few Euros more. The first picture is part of a garden just to the left of the palace, if you´re looking at it from the front.
This next one is a picture of some flowers in said garden. The hedge (above) surrounds the garden.

Finally (for now), this is a picture of the palace from the back, on an arcade called Gloriette on a hill. Gloriette was built in 1775, and I climbed to the top of it to take this picture. I used some serious zoom here, as the palace is quite a ways away from Gloriette.

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