Sunday, September 17, 2006

Mozart at Musikverein, Vienna

Last night I managed to score front row balcony tickets to see the symphony in Vienna. The program was all Mozart, which was cool. They did the song from that car commercial, the one from The Simpsons where Homer is in space and about to crash into the ant colony, and the one from that Mickey Mouse cartoon. I thought they might do the theme from Beef (it´s what´s for dinner) but maybe that´s not Mozart. I´m only somewhat cultured.

But seriously folks, it was a great night and a great experience, despite the many numbers they did with opera singers. They were impressive at times, but for me, it was kinda like going to a downtempo show and having the band bring out an MC to rap all over the otherwise good music. This wasn´t quite as bad as that, though.


rizdak said...

Haha - your points of reference for classical music are Homer Simpson and Mickey Mouse. Heheh, kinda funny... =)

Nightlife said...

What?? They didn't do the one from Bugs Bunny??
