Friday, September 08, 2006

Berlin - Hostel Thoughts

Which key?

OK, it's this one.

OK. Now which way does it go into the slot?

Up, no, down. No, up. Teeth up. OK.

Now which way do I turn it? Left? Left feels right. Let's try that. OK now how far do I turn it? All the way?

Too far.

I hope I'm not waking anybody up.

I hope nobody wakes me up.

Push the door. Still locked.

Try the other way. All the way. OK, that worked.

Did I tip enough at the restaurant?
Do they tip in this country?

But they know I'm an American. What does that mean?

Should I tip more?
Should I tip at all?

What precedent does this set or not set or unset?

OK, now where's that key?

1 comment:

bereweber said...

hostels are a whole different experience, huh? heh heh